Planning of foodwaste collection schemes

Planning of foodwaste collection schemes

Altereko > Progetti Separate collection of food waste at households – City of Milan (IT) year2012 We design collection schemes for large cities and small towns Milan is the metropolitan city in the world with the largest extension of the separate collection of food...
International projects

International projects

Altereko > Progetti International projects – strategies and recycling MSW management is a complex system, whith similar issues in various countries; but priorities and goals may vary significantly depending on the economics, social context and local...
Global surveys

Global surveys

Altereko > Progetti Surveys- for regional and international organisations Altereko has more than 15 years experience cooperating with inter­national organisation/agencies such as ECN-European Compost Network, ACRR, EEA-European Environment Agency, Sweepnet-GIZ,...
Projects with Schools

Projects with Schools

Environmental education and school Altereko > Progetti educational projects designed with and for schools we share knowledge in a passionate way and according to the needs of teachers and the teaching programs forseen in the single school we are involved with...
Bioplastics & compostability

Bioplastics & compostability

Altereko > Progetti Bioplastics & Compostability a complex journey to ease the collection of foodwaste and reduce contaminants in compost Compostable items and packaging should not be conceived as a 1-to-1 substitute of conventional single use plastics, but be...